Business , Strategy

Marketing Strategy That Drives Lead Generation

4 min
Posted by: Reaction
Last Updated: December 1, 2021
Marketing Strategy That Drives Lead Generation Image

Reach Potential Clients That Are in-Market and Out-of-Market

An in-market client is ready to buy and looking for the best company to work with. An out-of-market client might not even know they need your services yet. You are hoping that they will become your client in 6-12 months from now. 

It all comes down to buyer intent.

Marketing to In-Market Clients

When was the last time you were considering making a purchase and went to Facebook or Instagram? We’re guessing you haven’t. Your in-market clients, that are ready to buy, are going to search for the services they are looking for on Google. It is your marketing team’s job to think about what keywords your potential clients are searching for so you can capture these individuals with high buyer intent

In these situations, people are thinking more rationally. They are looking to understand how you are going to solve their problem and why they should choose you over the competition. They will respond to direct calls to actions.

Your website and SEO should be focused on providing concise information that will guide them through the sales funnel and provide them with the next steps to get started.

Marketing to Out-Of-Market Clients

Brand building is focused on getting the out-of-market clients to know, like, and trust your company, so that when they are in-market, your company is top-of-mind. 

When people aren’t ready to buy they don’t really care about how much your service will cost or how much it will help them save. You need to focus on creating an emotional connection. You need to be memorable. How do you become memorable? You need to stand out. Be entertaining, show that you understand them. Social media is the perfect place to do this, especially with boosted posts.

Marketing Director Mike Szyszka, presenting a marketing strategy

Why You Need Both to Drive Leads

It’s said that it can take a potential client hundreds of interactions with your brand for your company to be top of mind. They are flooded with ads from other companies all day every day – you have to stand out among the noise. When they are searching for companies, they will know of and have a positive opinion of your company, and choose you over the competition.

How to Apply This Marketing Strategy to Your Business

The good news is that you are reading this article, which puts you ahead of a lot of your competition. Many B2B and service-based businesses haven’t started to think like this. You need to jump on this opportunity.

Marketing to your most ideal customers.

Create a marketing & sales plan for the year
Think about what your balance is as it might not be 50/50, but you absolutely need a bit of both brand building & lead capturing
Be more entertaining and take risks to become more memorable, especially on social media

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